Got Resolutions? Really?

by Jen Gluckow


92% of people who make New Years resolutions fail in less than 30 days. You? Let me put it another way only 8% of people who make New Years resolutions actually achieve them. You?

Some people even resolve that this year will be different they make a resolution to (finally!) keep their resolution. But its not.

Lose weight, become debt free, exercise more, drink less, save more, get a better job, get a promotion at your current job, stop smoking, improve your education, become more organized, be less grumpy, volunteer more, be more happy. You?

My resolution? No more resolutions!

I stopped making New Years resolutions a few years ago. Why? I wasnt achieving them!

For two years in a row, I made a lengthy list of resolutions, and I kept that list to review the following year. When I looked back on my resolutions, it was clear that I had abandoned them in some way. You?

Well, its a new year. Time to reflect on what youve done, think about what youre doing, list major improvements you can make, and a time to do something different to achieve those improvements.

Whether its your health, your education, your career, or your finances, the time for productive change is now. And, while youre thinking about it, why wait until January 1st to begin your new achievements? Once you define it, why not start now? If youre really serious about achieving your goals, get a jump-start!

Want to achieve? Heres what you can do thats different from most:

  • Think before you write. Think back on past accomplishments. What did you achieve this past year? Start with a positive state of mind and then identify what you want to achieve next year.
  • Write your goals down in specific, achievable chunks.
  • Post your goals somewhere visible somewhere youll see them everyday. I got this idea from Jeffrey Gitomer, who posts his goals on his bathroom mirror. You can post them in your bathroom, on your fridge, at your desk just make sure they are somewhere where you will see them and be reminded of them everyday.

Now heres the secret:

  • Write down the first five actions that you INTEND to take. Be specific, and allocate the time. What do you want to achieve? What is the daily or weekly amount of work or money you can commit? How much time is needed? What are the specific actions you must take?
  • Take action to make action. In order to start achieving your desires dont just write the actions needed, TAKE action.
  • Set regular take responsibility appointments with yourself. Schedule a monthly appointment with yourself and block out an hour on your calendar. Use this time to review your progress, uncover obstacles and roadblocks, write the next action step(s), and seek help from others if needed.

Start working on your ideas now. Document them, picture achievement, and keep in mind that you are the ONLY one that can make it happen.

PING ME: Let me know what you are working on and your actions to get there.

I pledge to make 2015 great! You?

Happy Achievement New Year!

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