7 Steps to Achieve Your Goals

by Jen Gluckow


Whens the last time you got on an airplane or train and had no idea where you were going?

Its the same in your business. Most people in one form or another set goals, but very few achieve them. Creating goals gives your daily work its purpose. By meeting benchmarks in your businesss journey, you have tangible proof that youre moving in the right direction.

Take a few minutes to write down 5 goals that you have achieved and 5 goals that you havent achieved. My bet is its easier to write down the ones you havent achieved.

If you dont know where youre going, you will watch your business remain flat and could even watch it disappear. Rather than drive your business off the cliff, you should be driving it to the bankyou just need to map your route.

Everyone has their own ideas of how goals should be set and achieved. I am going to share mine because they work for me. The good news is, my way is not the only way there are many ways. Pick a way that works for you. Pick a way thats comfortable and achievable.

Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales, recommends writing your goals down on post-its and sticking them on the bathroom mirror. Display your goals somewhere you will see them everyday. He also says to make the process fun.

I follow his advice and have added a post-it with I achieved my goals, now what? to my mirror. This note reminds me of all the positive benefits I will gain when I achieve my goals. When I brush my teeth, I have a daily reminder of my goals and benefits of achieving them.

7 Steps to Achieve Your Goals:

1. Create short, specific achievable goals

2. Make them visible

3. Prioritize them

4. Create a process and a list of daily tasks for achievement. This will make you proactive with a plan that makes you the driver of your life, rather than reactive to a life that is happening to you.

5. Make a routine to form positive habits. Your plan will eventually run on automatic.

6. Measure progress. Are you on track? If not, what do you need to do to get back on track?

7. Inspire yourself. What do you want from achieving your goals? Keep that in mind, and in sight, as you work on achieving your goals.

Heres the formula: Focus, hard work, and determination will allow you to reach your destination.

Heres the secret: Think about your goals and what you will gain when you achieve them. Financial freedom? Happiness? A sense of pride?

Its only hard work if you dont like it. If you love what you do achievement becomes fun, not a chore.

Achieve your goals and increase sales.

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