We all have relationships

by Jen Gluckow


We all have relationships.

Maybe with a significant other, co-worker, friend, family, or even a fellow BNI.

And whether were conscious of it or not, everything we do and say in relationships COUNTS. In Steven Coveys The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey talks about relationships as emotional bank accounts. That what we say or do either adds to anothers confidence in us, or takes away from it.

In other words, Our actions and words can be compared to deposits and withdrawals in a financial bank account. But unlike a real bank account, instead of losing or getting money, the emotional bank account, goes up or goes down based on the trust and confidence we have in the other people in our relationships.

When we build relationships we measure people on how reliable, kind, helpful, respectful, sincere, loyal, and trustworthy, they are.

If I put you in touch with a friend who may need your service is that a deposit or a withdrawal?

If I send the love of my life a present just to say I love you, is that a deposit or withdrawal?

Everything we do or say has value. It can have positive value. Or it can have a negative value.

Look around the room today and ask yourself, what deposits can I make to help build each one of these relationships? TO build each one of these businesses?? Is there a referral I can give, is there a person I can put in touch, or invite, is there something I can say or do to help make someone feel respected or appreciated? Givers gain. Whether its BNI, your business, or your personal life. Think about the relationships you have. What can you say or do to make a relationship stronger? Better?

Build your relationships by making the best deposits you can.
Thank you.

With co-host Jeffrey Gitomer, we bring in top sales professionals to give you the best advice to kick your own ass.