Your 30-Day Success Challenge

by Jen Gluckow

Success Challenge

Okay, its the New Year. Now what?
Whats the difference between December 31st and January 1st?

Here are a few things to look for:

  • Gyms are now temporarily crowded.
  • Weight Watcher meetings are full.
  • People are getting their resumes in order to finally search for that new job, and
  • People are purchasing self-help books because NOW is the time to improve.

And maybe youve even made these resolutions
Lose weight, become debt free, exercise more, drink less, save more, get a better job, get a promotion, get a raise, stop smoking, improve your education, become more organized, be less grumpy, volunteer more, be more happy.

Sound familiar?

The time to plan is now! The time to take action is daily. The time to improve is all year long. @jeninanyminute


Why have you waited until a New Year?

The reason so many people make resolutions at this time of year, besides the fact that its some silly tradition, is because this is the first time theyre reflecting on what happened last year, and what they need to do to improve or get to where they want to be this year. And that didnt work last year, why will this year be any different?

Going into the new year, heres what you need to do:

  • Create achievable goals and break them down to daily actions. Not resolutions. Resolutions fail. Goals are specific, actionable, and measurable.
  • Create your DAILY success game plan (if you havent already). What are you going to do every day that gets you further to your goal.
  • Take action to make action. In order to start achieving your desires dont just write the actions needed, TAKE action. Early in the morning is the best time.
  • Keep the wind in your sails so you can make more sales. Assess yourself every 30 days. Dont wait to reflect, MEASURE
  • Have something fun and inspirational to look forward to every month. Rewards work.

The secret of goal achievement is not just commitment and intention its being ready physically and mentally. You have to be ready or all the detailed plans in the world will fail for lack of intentions and mental preparation.

When youre creating your resolutions goals. Ask yourself:

  • What are you doing right now that you wish you were not doing?
  • What are you not doing that you wish you were?
  • If you continue doing what you’re doing right now every day, where would you be at the end of 6 months? At the end of a year? At the end of 5 years?
  • Is that the potential outcome youre hoping for? If the answer is no, then you need my 30-day challenge NOW. If youre answer is yes, I challenge you to be honest with yourself.

Heres my challenge to you, shall you choose to accept

Over the next 30 days, beginning today (dont tell me youll start tomorrow, or give me some lame-ass excuse for why you cant start today) do this:

  • Think about who you want to become. Write it down and make it visible in a place you can see it every day. Do this today.
  • Summarize who you want to become in 3-4 words this is your goal. Set a reminder on your phone to show up three times a day morning (when you wake up), night time (before you go to bed) and sometime around lunch, to pop up and remind you of your goal. Seeing your goals numerous times a day will help keep you on path. Especially if you begin to steer off-route.
  • Within the first week, identify 3-5 accomplishments youve made this year (they dont have to be accomplishments towards your goal. Just things youve done that youre proud of. Review your accomplishments and be proud.
  • Take note of your new accomplishments towards your goal. Write them down in a word doc or paper journal and keep a running list. Record them even if they are small accomplishments. On difficult days, review your list.
  • Use your new accomplishments to inspire next accomplishments.
  • Direct your thoughts. We become what we think about (Earl Nightingale) Stop thinking negative – why or how youre not where you want to be, and start thinking about what you have achieved and how you can achieve more.
  • GOAL SECRET: The Daily Dose. Work on achieving your goal, and making small steps towards your goal every day. If you dont work at it every day, it will never get done.

Got goal?
Click here to get my Goal Setting Template.

Heres to a happy, healthy and wealthy New Year, and to you achieving your goals.


2017 Jennifer Gluckow and Sales in a New York Minute

With co-host Jeffrey Gitomer, we bring in top sales professionals to give you the best advice to kick your own ass.