Sales on the Fly

by Jen Gluckow


I work out with Peloton. Its hard, its tiring, and sometimes it hurts. But I REALLY like it.

One of the things I like most about the class is the ability to track my progress, and measure how I did in comparison to the rest of the class. But the best part is my ability to measure and monitor my progress against myself.

Theres something gratifying and challenging about being able to track, measure, and monitor personal progress. There’s also something addictive about being able to compete with yourself.

I have found the need and developed the desire to compete with myself. And Peloton provides the perfect atmosphere to fulfill “personal best”.

REALITY: You must be your best self to achieve your goals. And you must be the best you can be for yourself first, before you can begin to compete with others.

Each time I’ve taken a class at Peloton I have learned how to prepare just a little bit better whether its a stretch before, or mental preparation, or arriving early to make sure the bike is exactly how I want it with the right settings for the most comfortable and efficient performance. And its not just about preparation. Practice makes a difference too.

Each time I take a class, my muscles remember what they learned in the last class. Muscle memory kicks in as I begin to sweat.

Sweating over sales?

ASK YOURSELF: How are you flexing your sales muscle? How well are you preparing? How much do you know about your prospects? Whats in your sales memory?

If you track, measure and monitor your (sales) performance, youll be on your way to more sales in a New York minute.


As youre flying through your sales meetings, networking meetings and presentations, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • How prepared to be your personal best were you?
  • How well did you build rapport?
  • How engaging were your questions?
  • Whats your pre-call credibility factor?
  • Whats your pre-call reputation?
  • Whats your pre-call social reputation?
  • How many and how often do you earn testimonials?
  • How many and how often do your customers refer others?

REALITY: With muscle memory (and sales memory), the more you prepare and practice, the better your outcome. Exercise preparation.

Practice and preparation make a major difference in your improvement and your outcome. Lack of practice and preparation also make a major difference in your outcome. You choose your outcome. What kind of outcome are you choosing?

After your meeting or presentation, evaluate your performance by asking yourself:

  • What could you have done better?
  • What can you do better in your sales presentation?
  • Were you the best for yourself first?
  • Were you the best you could be? If not, what do you need to do to improve?
  • Did you deliver the best presentation ever?
  • Were you the most prepared?

Make a list of what you could do better. Write it down and read it often. Keep it on you, and study it before you go into your next meeting. It’s not just about knowing what you could’ve done better, but figuring out how you can do it better, and then doing it better. Reflect. Study. Take action. Exercise your talent.

Want to be the best? Heres what you need to do:

  • Compete against yourself be your most fierce competitor.
  • Dont accept the status quo. Strive to do better than you were last time.
  • Set your goals and keep them in plain view.
  • Create a plan to achieve them in small doses and measure accomplishment.
  • Track, monitor, measure your overall performance against your plan.
  • Determine what you need to do DAILY to achieve your goals.
  • Once you achieve them, raise your own bar (but dont go to one), and set newer, loftier (but achievable) goals.

When youre the best for yourself, others will take notice, others will see your pride, your dedication, your hard work. Your customers want to work with the best. Let that be you.


With co-host Jeffrey Gitomer, we bring in top sales professionals to give you the best advice to kick your own ass.